






2024.09~至今  温州理工学院智能制造与电子工程学院

2024.01~2024.08  无锡市锡山区半导体先进制造技术创新中心技术顾问

2019.08~2023.12 湖南大学  机械工程  博士


[1]  国家自然科学基金重点项目,微光学玻璃元件纳米精度热压成型基础研究,项目编号:52130503,2022.01~2026.12,257万元,参研。

[2]  国家自然科学基金面上项目,海尔贝克阵列磁场励磁的碳化硅晶片高效磁流变化学机械抛光,项目编号:52075160,2021.01~2024.12,58万元,参研。

[3]  湖南创新型省份建设专项重大项目(揭榜制),高端智能超精密磨削装备设计与制造关键技术研究,项目编号:2021JC0005,2022.01~2024.12,1000万元,参研。

[4]  湖南创新型省份建设专项(高新技术产业科技创新引领计划),碳化硅(SiC)晶片智能高效超精密磨削减薄工艺及装备研发,项目编号:2020GK2013,2021.01~2022.12,50万,参研。

[5]  深圳市创新创业计划技术攻关重点项目,重 2020N004 半导体高精度刀轮切割机关键技术研发,2020.07~2023.07,项目编号:JSGG20200701095003005,100万,参研。

[6]  国家自然科学基金面上项目,泡沫金刚石磨粒可控制备及其磨具性能关键技术研究,项目编号:51875191,2019.01~2022.12,59万元,参研,已结题。

[7]  国家自然科学基金面上项目,项目编号:51375157,溶胶-凝胶原位法成型超精密磨削用陶瓷结合剂砂轮的基础研究,2014.01~2017.12,80万元,参研,已结题。   



1.Qiu Hong, Siyuan Wang, Shaohui Yin∗. Influence of atmospheric pressure plasma modification on surface properties of aluminum alloy substrate and its interfacial adhesion strength with electrodeposited nickel coating [J]. Surface & Coatings Technology. 474 (2023) 130050. (中科院一区top,IF=5.4)

2.Qiu Hong, Siyuan Wang, Renchen Zhou, Dingwen Wang, Ning Kang, Shaohui Yin∗. Effect of BMP on microstructure and mechanical properties of composite electrodeposited Ni-based ultra-thin diamond dicing blades [J]. Diamond & Related Materials. 139 (2023) 110324. (SCI,中科院二区,IF=4.1)

3.Qiu Hong, Renchen Zhou, Xipeng Guo, Zhe Wang, Shaohui Yin∗. A novel strategy for improving the wear resistance of electrodeposited Ni-diamond composite coatings by diamond surface morphology modification [J]. Diamond & Related Materials. 137 (2023) 110093. (SCI,中科院二区,IF=4.1)

4.Qiu Hong, Siyuan Wang, Shaohui Yin∗. Effect of Rough-Surfaced Diamond Content on the Microstructure, Tribological Behavior, and Corrosion Resistance of Ni/Diamond Composite Coatings[J]. Advanced Engineering Materials. 25 (2023) 2300474. (SCI,中科院三区,IF=3.6)

5. Qiu Hong, Dingwen Wang, Shaohui Yin∗. The microstructure, wear and electrochemical properties of electrodeposited Ni-diamond composite coatings: Effect of diamond concentration[J]. Materials Today Communications. 34 (2023) 105476. (SCI,中科院三区,IF=3.8)

6.洪秋, 万隆∗, 李建伟. 溶胶-凝胶法制备金刚石/陶瓷结合剂复合烧结体及其性能表征[J]. 材料工程, 2019, 47(12):130-135. (EI) 

7.洪秋, 万隆∗, 李建伟,刘菊. 制备方法对陶瓷结合剂结构与性能的影响[J]. 工具技术, 2019, 53(06):19-22. (中文核心)

8.Wang Siyuan, Liang Zhao, Hong Qiu, Wang Bin, Cao Yucheng, Ren Guanlin, Wei Fuhua, Chen Ding*. Green route to prepare robust and multifunctional superhydrophobic coatings [J]. Ceramics International. (中科院二区top,IF=5.1)

9.Wang Siyuan, Chen Ding*, Hong Qiu, Gui Ying, Cao Yucheng, Ren Guanlin, Liang Zhao. Surface Functionalization of Metal and Metal Oxide Nanoparticles for Dispersion and Tribological Applications - A Review [J]. Journal of Molecular Liquids. (中科院二区top,IF=5.3)


[1] 尹韶辉,洪秋.一种表面粗糙化金刚石的超薄划片刀制备方法[P]:CN202111203403.2

[2] 尹韶辉,王定文,洪秋. 一种混合气浮式的高速超精密气驱零膨胀主轴[P]:CN202111439884.7

[3] 尹韶辉,王定文,洪秋. 一种高速超精密气浮式气驱超声主轴[P]:CN202111439903.6